Saturday, August 29, 2009

Introducing Learning Circles

If you are studying English at school or on your own at home, you might find that you know a lot of grammar rules.You possibly find that reading is quite easy for you, and you can identify grammar mistakes in your own written work. However, for many people, actually using English to communicate with others is more difficult.

The reason is very simple.When we study grammar rules, we are learning about English – it’s only when we try to put these rules into practice that we actually start learning to use English.

And this is where a problem can arise.You may have very little opportunity to talk with other people in English. It can be difficult to find the time and the opportunity to practise what you have been studying.This is where a Learning Circle can help.


A Learning Circle is a club or group formed by people who are all studying English. All over the world, BBC World Service listeners have decided to get together with a group of friends to study together and to talk in English. So, if you want to practise English, the best thing to do is to find a few friends who want to do this too.Then you can start your own Learning Circle.



  1. It provides a focus for your learning
    By deciding on a day and time for your Learning Circle to meet, you give everyone a goal. You might decide to listen to a BBC World Service programme together then discuss what you heard, or to give short presentations on topics which interest you.Whatever you decide to do, setting aside a time when everyone can get together with the goal of practising English will help improve the motivation of everyone in the group. Make your Learning
    Circle an event in your calendar!
  2. It can help build your confidence
    Many learners say that confidence is very important in learning a language. By forming a
    small Learning Circle, you can have the opportunity to use English with people you feel comfortable with. Practising English in a relaxing environment can give you the support and confidence you need to use the language with people you don’t know well.
  3. You can share what you know
    A Learning Circle can give everyone the chance to learn – and to teach.You may know a song in English, or you may have read a book which others would like to hear about.You might even have a new recipe which you could share with others.Try to plan events in your
    Learning Circle which will allow each member to share what they know – using English.
  4. You can practise English – whatever your level
    Teaching others is a good way of practising your English. If your Learning Circle has members with different levels of English, it is possible to think of many ways of providing practise for everyone. If your English is at an advanced level, you could help another group member prepare a short presentation for the group. In this way, you practise your English
    through helping with the language, and your partner practises through making the presentation.
  5. You can make learning fun
    By meeting together as a group and taking part in different activities, you can enjoy yourself while practising English. Learning doesn’t have to be serious and difficult – and having fun in a Learning Circle can help you relax more and boost your confidence in your English skills. Remember – laughter can lighten learning!


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