Friday, August 28, 2009

Using the internet to support your Learning Circle

If you Learning Circle have access to the internet, you can make use of a wide range of resources to help you learn and use English.

Here are 4 ways to use the internet to support your Learning Circle.


In this blog, we have recommended that you record some of your favourite programmes. However, what happens when the programme you want to record is on at an inconvenient time? The Learning English website has come to the rescue with a range of programmes which you can listen to. Not only do you have access to the programme when you need it, but you may be able to hear the programme again, wherever you have access to the web.


These study guides focus on a wide range of language skills, from vocabulary improvement to the development of effective reading and speaking skills.The study guides can be downloaded as a series of single worksheets. Each worksheet contains a written extract from a BBC World Service radio programme, a short exercise related to the extract and a relevant practice task.Why not create a library of worksheets for your Learning Circle? Each member could borrow a worksheet at the end of a meeting and return it at the next.


One important feature of the Learning English website is that it can help you to communicate with people all over the world.The message board helps learners in one country make contact with those learning in many other places.The main feature of this part of the site is that all the learners must communicate with each other in English. In your Learning Circle, you can use this part of the site to tell learners in other countries about yourselves and your activities. If there is an internet café in your town, perhaps you could have a Learning Circle meeting there? Then you could log on to together and decide what you want to tell the world about yourselves.


If you want to set up a Learning Circle in your class or in your school, the next page gives you useful guidelines for this. But don’t forget – the internet can help you too.

Help for teachers The Learning English website helps you to access a huge support network of
teachers and language experts.With links to the BBC/British Council English teaching website
the Learning English site allows you to communicate with teachers from all over the world, and to compare ideas with people working in comparable situations in other countries.You can use this site to find out if other teachers are setting up Learning Circles – and to share ideas about how to make them successful.


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